Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Quilt Whisperer

I just completed another challenge quilt to be hung at the Leavenworth, WA Quilt Show in September.  The requirements of the quilt challenge were to use the challenge fabric (which is featured in the flowers in pots that are in the foreground), and a design that addresses the theme of "Fields of Fabrics".

I live in the mountains and look out on other mountains and farmlands from my deck.  I thought of how it might look if fabrics were being grown on the farms instead of crops and a quilt "whisperer" could magically create art quilts by whispering the quilts into existence.  Photos of the quilt and quilt label are below.

9/9/2012:  My quilt took a 2nd place ribbon at the Leavenworth Quilt Show.  Plus $$$!  How exciting is that?           

1 comment:

Marcia Hamilton said...

I love your "Quilt Whisperer" quilt; the little hot air balloon in the background is a very nice touch.