Monday, June 23, 2008

Where Does the Time Go?

My 'baby' brother Barry turns 45 this week! WOW, blow my hair back. I remember when mom brought him home from the hospital. He closely resembled a drowned rat. However, he improved greatly over the years, and is now a very buff, 6'5", Elvis-drawling, basketball-playing all around good guy and father of three.

A picture of his birthday fabric postcard is included in this post (click on it for a larger view). This totally buff toolman pictured reminds me of Barry. You will note that he has a bloodied gauze bandage on his left arm. This represents a recent scare that he had when working at his electrician's job. While cutting an overhead wire he managed to accidentally slash an artery in his arm and could have bled to death were it not for a seemingly random series of tiny miracles that got him to the hospital in time for a micro-surgeon to save his life. We're all glad he's still with us. Happy Birthday Barry!

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