Sunday, April 29, 2007

More Fabric Art

My current Art for Quilters class also had instructions for a landscape project of Mt. Fuji. I didn't really want to do Mt. Fuji, but I've been wanting to do a fabric rendition of a Jane Austen drawing that was done in 1804 by her sister, Cassandra Austen.

I created my own landscape with the English countryside in mind and then overlaid it with my rendition of the Jane Austen pastel. In my landscape I included the rolling hillsides that are famous in England and then included ancient man-made stone fence that have remained standing after hundreds of years, a HA-HA for Jane to look down upon and then the knoll on which Jane was sitting.

Here's the picture of my fabric photo.
Original pastel by Cassandra Austen of Jane Austen, 1804

1 comment:

Kim de Young said...

Wow! This is amazing, you really have a wonderful way with fabric! I had fun stumbling across your blog.